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The mission of Greenwood Together is to advance economic and community development efforts in Greenwood County in ways that enhance the quality of life here and continue growing an even greater Greenwood. We provide coordinated services from collaborative partners with a common goal: to recruit and retain business, industry, and talent in Greenwood.

Best of Greenwood Community Guide


Population with Advanced Degree


Households with Internet Access


Lower Cost of Living Than US Average


SC Population Growth in Past 10 Years


Median Age of Population

Ready to Get Started?

With greater synergy among cooperative partners, our inclusive approach will deliver cohesive marketing, unified messaging and consistent reporting to keep stakeholders informed of our collective progress. Let us put our resources and connections to work and help you with data, available properties, and training.

Contact us

Find out why Greenwood is right for your industry.

Is it time to relocate or expand? Let us help with site selection, workforce, analytics and relocation.
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Interested in small business or retail opportunities?

Greenwood County has a supportive climate for small businesses. Let us help you find the right spot to grow your business.
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